Frequently Asked Questions

These are the most common questions we get about our insurance products. I hope the answers will help you. Please contact us if you need more information!

A black couple in their 30s to 40s sitting together on a modern orange couch. They are smiling and looking at a laptop.
  • Everyone. Children, adults, and even seniors.

    In fact, a newborn can get life insurance 14 days after they are born. While adult applications start at the age of 18+.

  • Life Insurance is for any outstanding financial obligations that will remain. Even after you are gone. Whether it’s for:

    -> a mortgage

    -> final expenses

    -> debt protection

    -> income replacement

    -> education

  • Term Life Insurance (Renting)

    Premium/Payment stays the same for the term of the policy. Ex. Term 10, Term 20, Term 30, Term 80, Term 100. You can purchase any amount of coverage needed.

    Permanent Life Insurance (Owning)

    Permanent Life Insurance policies build cash value: an amount of money that accumulates in the policy. In the future, you can use the cash value of your policy to boost your death benefit, pay your premiums, supplement your retirement income, or take out a policy loan.

  • Yes - being a smoker doesn’t mean you can’t get coverage. Your premium will be a bit higher, but it is more affordable than you may think.

  • Your mortgage isn’t the only expense your spouse or children will have to take care of if you pass away. Keep in mind there are expenses for the:

    -> house

    -> cars

    -> college education

    -> food

    -> medical expenses

    -> funeral

    and the list goes on. Life insurance can cover all of the above examples for you.

    In comparison to your mortgage lender. Where mortgage insurance decreases in value as the house is paid off. It does not cover any expenses outside of the mortgage payment.

  • It is very important to consider the following: the life insurance you get through your job, may not be adequate coverage. You should compare your family’s living expenses with your work coverage to see if it is enough. Make sure you keep future responsibilities in mind.

    Your employer-paid coverage may also have a maximum coverage limit. Most experts suggest obtaining coverage 5-8x your yearly salary. Most importantly, if you change jobs, your coverage may be left behind.